Sunday, October 18, 2009


The nobel is never free from influence. those who still believe that someone out there, living in total obscurity and working assiduously will one day win the ultimate global recognition is actually living in la la land. well,there is nothing wrong in believing in ideals free of any sort of chicanery,but then, in the real world things have a puzzling way of unfolding in their own way. They call it reality and in that real world obama has own the nobel eace prize. Not abad thing at all and before we start questioning the purpose of the prize and start looking for the US president's actual achievements,we need to look ahead and try to speculate what this prize may do to influence obama's future decisions and actions. All around there is widespread criticism and some are even foaming and fuming with outrage. Of course, these people are trying to look at the nobel from a very traditional format. The interesting thing is that the prize had ceased to fit within a conventional setting long ago.Oh, we knew it but ypu know how the human mind works. sometimes the truth is very hard for us to accept openly. We want ideals to rule life without realizing that if that had been the case,then living would have become so prosaic.
Obama has not achieved much, at least if we look for tangible results there isn't much to defend the person to put him under the glory of the Nobel, but he has stared a lot of things that have changed global dynamics in many ways. In a time when the global problem of radicalism is severely affecting the general perception about Islam as a religion of space, he has extended a hand of friendship to the general Muslim people, acknowledging their support to win over a deviant from of religious extremism. And that is a great attainment.

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